Is There Any Chance To Get Herpes After 20 Yrs Could This Be Eye Herpes? What Are The CHANCES Of It Being Eye Herpes?


Could this be eye herpes? What are the CHANCES of it being eye herpes? - is there any chance to get herpes after 20 yrs

One eye (the left one) hurts a bit every 5-10 minutes for about 2 hours. Thereafter, it is only once every 20 minutes. As it began, my eyes were red around the edges. I noticed that my eyes had declined somewhat significantly since around 5 months. Is it possible that the eye herpes?


Lov4nzyx... said...

Ocular Herpes:
Several signs and symptoms may be associated with an outbreak of herpes in the eye connection. They can cause inflammation of the cornea, causing irritation or pain, sudden severe eye can. In addition, the cornea can be cloudy, leading to impaired vision.

Other features of the eye include herpes:

Swelling around the eyes
Infections of the eye usually
Foreign body sensation
Red Eye
irritated eyes

If you agree, go to your doctor!

fruitsal... said...

No, no, no sound at all like herpes. It sounds more like you need to wear glasses - an eye examination to be able to tell.

karolina said...

Have sex or had eyes.
prolly not.

go an ophthalmologist.

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